Welcome to the GameGossip.com file download zone. It is very important to understand that what this section specializes in is delivering HIGHLY anticipated downloads, be it movies, patches, demo's, whatever. We are not here to provide you with every single download on Planet earth. As such, don't be surprised to find this second updated only once or twice a month.
:: Last 5 Files ::
Hitman: Blood Money Demo (05/31/06)
This Hitman: Blood Money demo contains the game's first level "Death of a Showman". The "job" is to take out Joseph "The Swing King" Clarence. Never played the game before? You'll probably find the training level style level helpful to get up and sharp shooting before you know it.
Halo 3 E3 2006 Announcement Trailer (05/30/06)
Not a big surprise but Bungie announced Halo 3 at this year's E3 Expo. The high resolution trailer is approximately 2 and a half minutes long. It features... you guessed it... The Master Chief.
Brothers in Arms E3 2004 Trailer (05/11/04)
A trailer from E3 showing off this highly anticipated title.
Red Dead Revolver Movie #2 (05/07/04)
The calm of the frontier was shattered and one boy?s innocence was lost when he witnessed the brutal murder of his family. Years have passed but the forged memory and the need for reckoning have not. Now an outlaw gunfighter, you must journey to uncover the truth and to reap vengeance on those responsible.
Red Dead Revolver is artfully realized through a...
Hitman: Contracts Demo (05/04/04)
Playable demo of this stealth assassin sequel.
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